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Our History

The story of Sushi and More started with the opening of our first outlet in Mumbai in May 2011. But in fact, the adventure started way back in 1995. Harry Hakuei Kosato visited India for the first time then. Back then, and even around the year 2007 when Harry landed here to make Mumbai one of his homes, no one thought it was possible to do sushi properly in India. Our wish was to show India and the world that our team would be capable of doing such a business, small as it may be. So we have done it. Despite the odds, we have somehow survived all these years. 90% of restaurants fail in the first year, and the remaining have an average five-year life span. Thanks to the support extended by thousands of our happy Indian customers over many years, we are still here today. And we hope to continue to serve India for decades into the future, much longer than the person who said “Don’t do it, don’t even think about it, it won’t work!”

As the Japanese saying goes: Naseba naru nasaneba naranu nanigoto mo “Where there is a will, there is a way.”


Sushi and More serves simple, fresh, affordable, authentic, healthy and really tasty Japanese sushi dishes. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarians options are offered. We have also prepared other popular Japanese dishes including salads, carefully designed for our Indian customers. We do lots of things around sushi and Japanese food and culture in India. We cater to Indian weddings with thousands of guests; run sushi-cooking courses; have organised sushi competitions and food festivals; educated budding chefs who have gone on to promising international careers, and have served celebrities and more, in the privacy of their homes.


Sushi and More is thus India’s first and largest independently run Japanese food delivery and take-away business in India. We operate 9 outlets across the 3 cities of Mumbai, Delhi, and Gurugram (as of 15th June 2022).


Our Founder

Harry Hakuei Kosato @ladittalimited

Harry-san is a parallel entrepreneur, social psychologist, and sushi curator. LSE and Oxford educated, he launched Virgin and Dyson in Japan as Head of Marketing, but he started out as a qualified international tax expert. Now he wears many hats and runs projects as diverse as Sushi and More (India’s first chain of sushi outlets) to Me For the World (a social impact project) in Oxford. Recently arranged bestsellers on Amazon No 1 lists for investor Jim Rogers with two of Japan’s top publishers. Lives in Mumbai and Singapore. Holds a Guinness Book of World Record, awarded a Good Design Award, but can’t drive a car. Still studying at the SBS Swiss Business School in Zurich for a doctorate. Founding Member of Straits Clan Club and Soho House Singapore, he is also a member of the Oxford and Cambridge Club and the International House of Japan. Loves simple food, books, and yoga. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Daughter Riko attends UWCSEA Dover in Singapore.


Our Team


We take health, sanitation, and safety very seriously, like serving food in your home. And this was true for us even before the Covid-19 pandemic, and is even more important and relevant today. The Japanese are known for their attention to detail and demands the highest quality. We have brought such high expectations and standards to our kitchens in India…

Japanese Profile



Sushi and More India Pvt. Ltd.






インド マハラシュトラ州ムンバイ市


インド市場にてお寿司などの和食の普及を目指し日本の親会社「株式会社Sushi and More」(東京都港区、代表取締役小里博栄)の子会社として2017年末に設立。インド初の寿司宅配サービス。テイクアウト及びケータリングも行う寿司と和食を提供する業態。日本資本であり、インド最大の多店舗展開チェーンでもある。年間8万食を提供。ムンバイとデリーで展開。



©︎ 2022 Sushi and More India Pvt. Ltd.

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